Terms and Conditions

Agreement to terms

As part of our commitment to transparency and accountability, Clippoutline reserves the right to make changes or updates to our terms and conditions as necessary.

Provide clear and detailed contact information, including email address, for clients to reach you with questions or concerns. This promotes open communication and accessibility.

For further inquiries or assistance, please feel free to contact us via email at info@clippoutline.com or through our website’s contact form.

With Clippoutline’s terms and conditions, you can entrust your photo editing needs to us with confidence, knowing that your projects are in capable hands.

Remember to consult with legal professionals to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. These terms serve as a foundation, and you can expand or modify them based on your agency’s unique requirements.

Scope of Services

we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive scope of services to meet your unique photo editing requirements. Our dedicated team of professionals possesses the expertise and creativity to tackle a wide range of editing tasks, ensuring that your visual content stands out with precision and quality.

Free Trial

Clearly outline the scope and limitations of the free trial offered to new clients. Specify how they can access it and the steps involved. This incentivizes new customers without compromising your services. Experience the Clippoutline difference with our free trial offer. This allows prospective clients to sample our services with no obligation, giving you the confidence to trust in our capabilities.

Team & Expertise

Highlight your team’s qualifications and experience. Mention the size to convey your agency’s scale and capacity. This instills confidence in potential clients. Our team comprises over 20 skilled professionals with extensive experience in the field of photo editing. Rest assured, your projects are in capable hands, and our expertise ensures superior outcomes every time.


Emphasize your commitment to prompt and clear communication. Define turnaround times for response during business hours. This builds trust and ensures smooth project management. We prioritize clear and efficient communication throughout the project lifecycle. Our team is readily accessible via email, phone, or online chat to address any queries or concerns promptly.

Turnaround Time

Set realistic turnaround times based on your workflow and project complexity. Offer rush processing options, if available, with corresponding fees. This balances client expectations with your workload. Time is of the essence, and we understand the importance of meeting deadlines. With our commitment to prompt service, we guarantee a swift turnaround time, ensuring timely delivery of your edited photos.


Define your revision policy, including the number of free revisions per project and additional charges for further modifications. This clarifies the process and helps manage client expectations. Your satisfaction is paramount to us. We offer revision options to accommodate any adjustments or refinements you may require, ensuring that the final results align perfectly with your vision.

Payment Methods

Specify the accepted payment methods (Visa, Mastercard, PayPal) and any associated fees. Consider offering alternative options based on your region’s preferences.To facilitate seamless transactions, we accept payments via Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal. Our secure payment gateway ensures the confidentiality and integrity of your financial information.

Client Responsibility

Emphasize that clients are responsible for the legality and content of their submitted images. Ensure they comply with copyright and other relevant laws. This protects your agency from potential liabilities. Clients are responsible for ensuring that they have the necessary rights and permissions for the content submitted for editing. This includes obtaining consent for the use of copyrighted material and adhering to any relevant laws or regulations.


Include an indemnification clause to protect your agency from any claims or damages arising from client-provided content or copyright infringement. This safeguards your business interests. By availing of our services, clients agree to indemnify and hold Clippoutline harmless from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from the misuse or unauthorized use of content provided by the client.

Accetpable Use

Clearly state your policy on using edited images for marketing or portfolio purposes. Require written consent from clients and anonymize their information to respect privacy. This fosters trust and transparency. While we respect the intellectual property rights of our clients, we reserve the right to showcase edited images in our portfolio or promotional materials, unless otherwise specified by the client.

As a agency

Clippoutline offers a comprehensive set of terms and conditions designed to ensure transparency, efficiency, and satisfaction in every aspect of our photo editing services. With a dedicated team of professionals, secure payment methods, a risk-free trial, and clear communication channels, we strive to exceed your expectations at every turn.

Whether you’re seeking pixel-perfect edits, prompt turnaround times, or reliable support, Clippoutline is your trusted partner every step of the way. Rest assured, your projects are handled with the utmost care, professionalism, and attention to detail.
Experience the Clippoutline difference today and elevate your visual content to new heights. Get in touch with us to discuss your photo editing needs, and let us bring your vision to life with precision and expertise.
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